lundi 21 décembre 2009


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starting December 21, 2009
Last modified: September 15 , 2013
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"Global History" seems a new and better term. It is easy to translate in French and in German. Histoire Globale, Globalgeschichte. Still, the accepted term is WORLD HISTORY.

Among the founding fathers of history, Herodotus is a famous example of genuine interest for "the world". As far as history as a scientific discipline goes, the world perspective starts probably with Fernand Braudel.

But world history has also a past, less glorious than Fernand Braudel's science. World history or global history refers to universal history, history of humanity which was trendy in the 18th century and after, in the West. It consisted in presenting the "evolution" of mankind. These grand presentations of evolution were always ending with the "superior", "ultimate" stage of European civilization. At that time, the Enlightment was indeed making groundbreaking progress, advances that would influence the whole world until the present (Industrial revolution, political revolutions, rule of law). But at the time, in the 18th and 19th centuries, the knowledge about the non-European world was very limited and mostly incorrect. And worse of all, these ideas about world history, were used to justify slavery, colonization, racism and finally anti-Semitism. Therefore, today, many  consider World history as a bad idea.

There are attempts to reformulate universal history. See for instance, the Esquisse d'une histoire universelle by Jean Baechler. (Three podcasts of 10 minutes each, from Canal Academie on line). Jean Baechler argues that the history of mankind went through three major shifts: the Paleolithic, the Neolithic and the Modern. See the huge editorial enterprise by UNESCO, 1990-2007: History of Humanity.

See also a world history chronology by David W. Koeller .

Global history: World History Content Standards.
National Center for History in the Schools (NCHS).

On the other hand, the Global History we want to promote with this research should emphasize what is "world like" (transnational voices) in the history of each community.

Emmanuel Todd is emphasizing in his works the concept of "universal mankind", that is, what is visible the world over, in every countries. Of course there are local differences and especially historical differences, differences with time. But some phenomenons are spreading worldwide. In this sense, he is stressing the concept of universal history against that of the clash of civilizations (with demographer Youssef Courbage, Le rendez-vous des civilisations, Paris: Seuil, 2007).

Other names in French: Histoire globale, Histoire mondiale, Histoire connectée.

AAVV, History of Humanity. Scientific and Cultural Development, Routledge / UNESCO Publishing, 1994-2008, 7 vols.

Volume I: Prehistory and the beginnings of civilization
Volume II: From the third millennium to the seventh century BC
Volume III: From the seventh century BC to the seventh century AD
Volume IV: From the seventh to the sixteenth century
Volume V: From the sixteenth to the eighteenth century
Volume VI: The nineteenth century
Volume VII: The twentieth century.

Each volume starts with a thematic section, describing the world at these seven chronological periods.

First volume was published in English in 1994 (English:1994, Routledge/ UNESCO Publishing; French: 2000, EDICEF / Éditions UNESCO). Volume Five is available since 1999 (English: 1999, Routledge/UNESCO) and in French since 2008. Volumes VI and VII only available in English as yet: History of Humanity: Volume VI, The Nineteenth Century, 2005. Volume VII, The Twentieth Century was published in July 2008.

There is a UNESCO webpage presenting the whole project.

Boucheron Patrick (ed.) (as well as Julien Loiseau, Pierre Monnet et Yann Potin), Histoire du monde au XVe siècle, Paris : Fayard, 2009.

Brook Timothy, Le chapeau de Vermeer : le XVIIe à l'aube de la mondialisation / Timothy Brook ; trad. de l'anglais par Odile Demange, Paris : Payot, 2010. English original: Vermeer's Hat : The Seventeenth Century And The Dawn of The Global World). 299 p. : ill.

"Éminent sinologue s'offrant une incursion dans la Hollande de l'âge d'or, Brook nous convie en effet à une autre lecture des oeuvres de Vermeer. Non pas celle d'un historien d'art qui s'attacherait à l'usage de la lumière ou de la couleur, mais bien celle d'un historien qui focalise son attention sur un détail, un objet, une figure, autant de portes qu'il ouvre sur le vaste monde en mutation du XVIIe siècle, nous dévoilant l'ampleur des échanges culturels et commerciaux entre Est et Ouest, qui furent l'amorce de notre mondialisation actuelle."

Burke Edmund III and Kenneth Pomeranz (eds), The environment and world history, Berkeley : University of California Press, 2009, Collection The California world history library ; 9.

Christian David , “Silk Roads or Steppe Roads? The Silk Roads in World History.” Journal of World History 11, no. 1 (2000): 1–26. PDF

Harman Chris, A people's history of the world / Chris Harman, London : Verso, 2008 .

McNeill William H., The rise of the West : a history of the human community (drawings by Béla Petheö), Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago press, 1991.

Pomeranz Kenneth, La force de l'empire : révolution industrielle et écologie, ou pourquoi l'Angleterre a fait mieux que la Chine, Allfortville (Val-de-Marne) : Ere, 2009 (Collection Chercheurs d'ère).

Sallmann Jean-Michel, Le grand désenclavement du monde : 1200-1600 / Jean-Michel Sallmann, Paris: Payot, 2011. 

The Journal of World History is a good place to start finding information about World or Global History.

Philippe Beaujard, Laurent Berger, Philippe Norel (dir.), Histoire globale, mondialisations et capitalisme, La Découverte - 29 octobre 2009.

“Ecrire l'histoire du monde”, Le Débat n° 154, mars-avril 2009, Krzysztof Pomian, Olivier Pétré-Grenouilleau, François Hartog, etc.
Content: "Je cherchais du global, et je n'ai trouvé que du local" (entretien avec Erik Orsenna) ; "World history : histoire mondiale, histoire universelle" par Krzysztof Pomian ; "La galaxie histoire-monde" par Olivier Pétré-Grenouilleau ; "De l'histoire universelle à l'histoire globale ?" par François Hartog ; "L'essor et le déclin de l'Occident" par William H. McNeill ; "L'histoire globale peut-elle ignorer les Nambikwara ?" par Alain Testart ; etc.

Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine supplément 2007-4bis, n° 54-4bis –2007/5, “Histoire globale, histoires connectées”.
Content: Caroline Douki and Philippe Minard, "Histoire globale, histoires connectées : un changement d'échelle historiographique ?" Pages 7 – 21.
Giorgio Riello, "La globalisation de l'Histoire globale : une question disputée", Pages 23 – 33.
Sanjay Subrahmanyam, "Par-delà l'incommensurabilité : pour une histoire connectée des empires aux temps modernes". Pages 34 – 53.
Jean-Paul Zuniga, "L'Histoire impériale à l'heure de l'« histoire globale ». Une perspective atlantique". Pages 54 – 68.
Romain Bertrand, "Rencontres impériales. L'histoire connectée et les relations euro-asiatiques". Pages 69 – 89.
Karen Barkey, "Trajectoires impériales : histoires connectées ou études comparées ?" Pages 90 – 103.

Traverse 2007/3, David, Jérôme, David, Thomas, Lüthi, Barbara (eds.), “Globalgeschichte / Histoire globale / Global History”.
Content: Dominic Sachsenmaier, “Global History, Global Debats”.
Maren Möhring, “Food and globalization”.
Antja Flüchter, Michael Jucker, “Wie globalisiert war die Vormoderne? Ein methodisches Plädoyer für einen neuen Blick in den asiatischen Raum”.
Margrit Pernau, “Eine vergleichende Studie von Religion und Zivilgesellschaft im 19. Jahrhundert (Grossbritannien, Deutschland und Indien)”.
Jean Comaroff, “John Comaroff; Ethnography on an Awkward Scale. Postcolonial Anthropology and the Violence of Abstraction”.
William Clarence-Smith, “The Journal of Global History et le renouveau d’un champ historiographique”.

France Culture, La Fabrique de l’Histoire, Decembre 17, 2009, Histoire du monde 4/4 (audio)

National Standards for History

Global history: World History Content Standards.
National Center for History in the Schools (NCHS).

World History chronology by David W. Koeller, prof. of History, North Park University, Chicago, 2003. With a special section on Eurasia.

Chroniques de Nuremberg
Schedel's World History
Liber Chronicarum (Book of Chronicles)
Nuremberg Chronicle
Die Schedelsche Weltchronik (Schedel's World History)
The Nuremberg Chronicle includes the histories of a number of important Western cities. Written in Latin by Hartmann Schedel, with a version in German translation by Georg Alt, it appeared in 1493. It is one of the best-documented early printed books
For sale

World Chronicle:
Rudolf von Ems, a German knight and prolific writer, composed his World Chronicle in German (Weltchronik) toward the middle of the 1200s.

Chronicle of the World to 1461.
NEDCC Digitizes Rare Historic Scroll
for Upcoming Scholarly Publication.


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